In last years, environmental law has turned significant attention to environmental problems, previously not regulated by law at all. Legal acts have been prepared for mitigation of climate change, reducing  energy consumption, avoiding and compensating environmental damage, protection of marine areas. However, this legal regulation is still in beginning phase and question is, to what extent so large-scale and multifaceted problems can be solved by legal means at all.

In the evening lectures, experts from relevant environmental fields introduce background and meaning of the environmental problems; lawyers of EELC in turn provide an overview about what kind og legal means have been used so far, in order to solve these problems, and what are the future plans on global, EU or country level. In discussion we try to find out, how wide are the possibilities of environmental law to solve environmental problems and where is still room for improvement

The preliminary timeline is following:

-          11 May – Marine Protection (topic introduced by Jüri-Ott Salm, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Estonian Fund for Nature; legal means introduced by EELC lawyer Kärt Vaarmari)

-          25 May – Environmental Libility (topic introduced by Kaja Peterson, program director of SEI Tallinn, legal means introduced by EELC lawyer Kärt Vaarmari)

-          2 June – Climate Change (topic introduced by Peep Mardiste, environmental activist and consultant; legal means introduced by EELC lawyer Siim Vahtrus)

-          8 June – Energy (topic introduced by dr Erik Puura, environmental scientist from Tartu University, legal means introduced by EELC lawyer Siim Vahtrus)


The target groups are members of environmental organisations, students and pupils, and all people interested in environmental issues.

The series of lectures are funded by Environmental Investment Centre.


Additional information: Kärt Vaarmari, tel +372 527 4761, e-mail